Supported by : 국립문화재연구소
This study evaluated the activity of biocidal compounds isolated from natural products and confirmed applicable possibility as conservative agents for orgainic cultural heritages damaged by biological degradation. we used methanol extracts of 11 Korean trees and 17 medicinal plants as natural resources. Among these extracts, Phellodendron amurense was investigated on antifungal activity against Coniophora puteana, Lentinus lepideus, Tyromyces palustris and Aspergillus niger. Asarum sieboldii was investigated on insecticidal activity against adult of Lasioderma serricorne. First, the extract of Phellodendron amurense was partitioned into hexane, dichloromethan and ethylacetate fraction. Among them, the ethylacetate fraction had the most significant antifungal activity. In addition, Asarum sieboldii essential oil showed an effective antifungal and insecticidal activity. As a result, the extract of Phellodendron amurense and Asarum sieboldii essential oil could be useful for conservation of organic cultural heritage against biological deterioration by wood rot fungi and Lasioderma serricorne.
Supported by : 국립문화재연구소