치료의료계의 현안과 정책과제; 의료전달체계 확립과 전문의 진료 영역 명확화를 위한 의료법 개정 추진 방향

Standing Issues and Policy Tasks of the Korean Dental Community; The improvement of the dental specialist program

  • 발행 : 2010.02.01


Regarding the improvement of the dental specialist program, two related issues were reviewed extensively: (a) bill amending portions of the Medical Service Act as proposed by national assemblywomen Choi Yeong-hui (Democratic Party) and Chung Mi-gyeong (Grand National Party), and; (b) Plans to supplement the submitted bill. Although the existing bill's prospects in the assembly are unclear at this point, both the existing and planned supplementary bills zero in on two points: (a) specialists must focus on providing care only in their respective expertise, and; (b) a distinction between the roles played by the primary, secondary, and tertiary medical institutions must be made to help establish clearly the country's overall health care system. In addition, proposals were made for medical license renewal among specialists so that professionals can offer better health care to customers.



  1. 동네의원활성화와 의료전달체계에 대하여, 홍경표, 대한의사협회지 489(10) pp.962-974, 2000.
  2. 치과의사 전문의 인력수급 등에 관한 연구, 보건복지가족부 건강증진기금 연구사업, 2004.