치료의료계의 현안과 정책과제; AGD(통합치과전문임상의 수련제도)의 운영 및 정착

Standing Issues and Policy Tasks of the Korean Dental Community; The establishment of the advanced general dentistry program (AGD)

  • 발행 : 2010.03.01


Compared to the specialist program, the advanced general dentistry program (AGD) is designed to guarantee that dentists dealing with primary care services possess overall dental care proficiency and contribute to offering better care to customers. This program is also believed to help resolve the imbalance among the number of candidates for specialization, which came to the authorities' attention throughout the implementation of the dental specialist program. KDA will continue to implement AGD while pushing for the establishment of the program by complementing it with adjustment measures and regulations provided the dental community agrees to such actions.



  1. 치과의료정책연구소. 통합치과전문임상의(AGD) 수련제도 시범사업 평가 및 발전방향 연구, 대한치과의사협회, 2009.