Use of Commercial Enzymatic Time Temperature Integrator for Monitoring Spoilage of Ground Beef

효소형 Time-Temperature Integrator를 이용한 쇠고기의 부패확인

  • Lee, Jung-Young (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Ju (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University) ;
  • Hong, Kwang-Won (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University)
  • Received : 2010.06.25
  • Accepted : 2010.07.14
  • Published : 2010.08.30


The applicability of a commercial enzymatic time-temperature integrator (TTI) for monitoring spoilage of ground beef was investigated under isothermal storage condition at different temperatures. The volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value was used as a spoilage index for ground beef. The time taken to reach the spoilage of ground beef stored at 4, 10, 15, 20, and ${25^{\circ}C}$ were 168, 114, 60, 48, and 24 hrs, respectively. However, these quality losses of beef were not coincided with the endpoints of the three different C-type TTIs (C-1, C-4, and C-7). In order to match the TTI response to the quality loss of beef, some ingredients such as enzyme and substrate solutions were extracted from C-1TTI and remixed with different amount of them in the tubes to constitute the modified TTIs. The responses of the modified CM-1 TTI were very close to the quality loss of beef stored at 20 and ${25^{\circ}C}$, but not at other temperatures tested. The response of the other modified CM-2 TTI was only matched to the quality loss of beef stored at ${15^{\circ}C}$. Therefore, systematic kinetic studies of food spoilage and the TTI response are required to apply the TTI as a quality indicator for a specific food.

시판되는 효소형 TTI를 이용하여 다양한 온도에서 보관 중인 간 쇠고기의 부패 확인이 가능한지 조사하였다. 쇠고기의 부패 확인 지표로는 volatile basic nitrogen(VBN)을 이용하였다. 실험 온도 4, 10, 15, 20 및 ${25^{\circ}C}$에서 쇠고기가 부패하는데 소요된 시간은 각각 168, 114, 60, 48 및 24시간이었다. 상기 조건에서 쇠고기의 품질변화는 본 실험에 사용한 3 종류의 C-type TTI(C-1, C-4, 및 C-7)의 반응 종말점들과 일치하지 않았다. TTI의 반응을 쇠고기의 품질변화에 일치시키기 위해 C-1 TTI로부터 효소와 기질 성분을 추출하여 Eppendorf tube에서 서로 다른 양으로 혼합하여 변형된 TTI를 구성하였다. 변형된 CM-1 TTI의 반응은 ${20^{\circ}C}$${25^{\circ}C}$에서 쇠고기의 품질변화와 매우 유사하였으나 다른 온도에서는 일치하지 않았다. 변형된 CM-2 TTI의 반응은 ${15^{\circ}C}$에서만 쇠고기의 품질변화와 일치하였다. 따라서 TTI를 특정한 식품의 품질변화 지시계로 사용하기 위해서는 식품의 부패와 TTI 반응에 대한 체계적인 kinetics 연구들이 필요할 것으로 보인다.



Supported by : 농림수산식품부


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