사회성 측정(sociometry)을 활용한 학생의 사회성 개선 효과 검증

An Empirical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Students' Sociability Improvement using Sociometry

  • 투고 : 2010.09.28
  • 심사 : 2010.12.02
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


The purpose of this study was to actually analyze students' sociability using sociometry and effectiveness of students' sociability improvement. To accomplish this purpose, subjects of this study were selected as follow. First, how students' sociability style are actually identified. And second, when teachers give additional concern, opportunity, care, praise to experiment group(reject, isolate, neglectee), what is the effectiveness of students' sociability improvement. As sampling, from fourth to sixth grades 270 students(215 control group, 55 experiment group) of 8 classrooms of 8 elementary schools were sampled. As a tool of investigation, questionnaires about students' sociability style and effectiveness of sociability improvement had made by researcher of this study were used. And as processing of data, ANCOVA were used. The result of this study is as follow. When teachers gave additional concern, opportunity, care, praise to experiment group(reject, isolate, neglectee), students' sociability were improved. In other words, student's self-concept, proactive behavior, human relationship were improved significantly.



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