평생학습 확대에 따른 지역평생교육 추진체제 활성화 방안

A Study on the Method to Reinforce the Efficient Political Function for Lifelong Learning

  • 투고 : 2010.09.30
  • 심사 : 2010.11.20
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


The goal of this research was to survey a method to reinforce the efficient political function for lifelong learning when Busan metropolitan city promotes lifelong policy. To achieve this goal, the survey to reinforce the political function for lifelong education was carried out on persons in charge of lifelong education in Busan metropolitan city. The results are as follows: First, they showed high degree of perception on lifelong policy and business. Second, on a question about how much the tasks to promote lifelong education presented by our nation are needed, they answered that concrete agenda for an aging society is needed and a necessary institute to invigorate it is lifelong learning institute. Third, they answered that the policy which is necessary to be implemented as soon as possible is the development education for vocational competency, and the ratio of the perception which requires to hire education experts for life long education was high.



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