A Study on Changes of Apartment Landscapes

아파트 조경의 변화에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.07.15
  • Accepted : 2010.08.20
  • Published : 2010.08.30


The purpose of this study is to identify landscaping costs for apartment landscapes, landscape facility factors, and the transition of spatial composition for landscapes. In addition, based on the questionnaires and analysis results for workers in related fields such as landscape design companies and construction companies, this study aimed at acquiring results for the development of current apartment landscapes and directions for improvement in the future. Through the results, it aimed at providing basic data for apartment landscapes in the future. Results showed that there was approximately a 2.6 times increase for landscaping expenses of actual apartment landscapes, and a 7.0 to 11.5 times increase in the future can be expected. The cause of such increase is the continuously growing demand for a more pleasant environment. Landscape facilities factors have been diversified, and most facilities are used as multi-purpose spaces rather than serving simple facilities. Questionnaires and field investigations showed that water facilities underwent the biggest changes, and the cause for such changes were found to be the introduction of new facilities such as water facilities and environmental structures, as well as the creation of integrated functions and spaces. Spatial composition for landscapes showed that multi-purpose spaces were established, and for the apartment differentiation strategy, there were many different changes such as theming of green areas and places for exchange among residents. For changes, the most changes were in green areas, and studies also showed that there were many changes for rest areas as well. The cause for such change is judged to have been brought about by the increase of landscape space by placing parking areas underground, and investigations showed that compared to green areas composed of large grass patches, recent apartments are establishing diverse and experience-based green areas.



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