Analysis of Consciousness on Land for the Another Use After Quarrying

채석장의 채석작업 후 부지 활용에 대한 의식 분석

  • Received : 2010.02.24
  • Accepted : 2010.06.10
  • Published : 2010.06.30


This study was carried out to use efficiently forest resources through the survey of analysis of consciousness for the application of other use following quarrying. The application types of other use following quarrying were 366 people (49.5%) for forest recreation, 164 people (22.2%) for facility application, 117 people (15.8%) for vacation facility, and 93 people (12.6%) for tree planting types. According to the test of independence between facility utility types and gender, male preferred the leisure facility type, but female preferred the forest recreation type. The tree planting type was not related to the gender, but male preferred facility application types. Also, female preferred a static use type such as recreation and walking, while male preferred a dynamic use type such as the leisure and facility application types. According to the test of independence between facility application and occupation types students and company employees preferred the leisure facility type, while school faculty and staff, self employees, and housewives preferred the forest recreation type. Public servants preferred tree planting and facility application types. The sojourn time was the overnight and 6-8 hours in the leisure facility type, within 4 hours in the forest recreation and tree planting types, and 6-8 hours in the facility application types. Other use plans of the quarry site following quarrying will be needed to establish quarry facility application models with consideration for visitor's preferences.



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