Difference in Visual Preference for Natural Landscape Between Urban and Rural Residents

도시와 전원 거주자의 자연경관에 대한 시각적 선호도 차이

  • Hong, Jeong-Kee (Policy Cordination Division, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu (Department of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2010.01.16
  • Accepted : 2010.02.09
  • Published : 2010.02.01


The study was conducted to examine the possible psychological difference in visual preference for natural landscape depending on the residence characteristic of the visitors, with the aim to use as the reference when creating space for natural landscape. Visitors were classified into three groups, namely, urban, suburban, and rural residents, and their preferred type of landscape was surveyed. The result showed that regardless of their residence the highest preference was to the place with superior natural landscape features, and among such features the common preference was toward the landscapes with horizons and those with animals. Urban and suburban residents showed similar preference pattern, and there was artistically significant difference with rural residents. In this respect, the difference in preference for natural landscapes could be induced between urban and rural residents. Rural residents had similar preference with urban residents in that they both preferred the place with superior natural landscape features, but differed in that the former had significantly higher preference toward the landscapes that have mixed artificial elements. From the above research, the following conclusions can be inferred:for regions that need to create natural landscapes, differentiated visual landscape plans and strategies need to be established taking into account, inter alia, the natural richness of the neighborhood natural environment; for regions that need to conserve and manage natural environment and landscapes, the measures to adjust the natural landscape management plans need to be established taking into account the neighborhood environment of the protected areas and the number of visitors to the region.



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