Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma of the Abdomen: the Imaging Findings

  • Kang, Tae-Wook (Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Soon-Jin (Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine) ;
  • Song, Hye-Jong (Department of Pathology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine)
  • Received : 2009.07.06
  • Accepted : 2009.09.10
  • Published : 2010.04.01


Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma is a rare neoplasm that originates from follicular dendritic cells in lymphoid follicles. This disease usually involves the lymph nodes, and especially the head and neck area. Rarely, extranodal sites may be affected, including tonsil, the oral cavity, liver, spleen and the gastrointestinal tract. We report here on the imaging findings of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the abdomen that involved the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and colon. It shows as a well-defined, enhancing homogenous mass with internal necrosis and regional lymphadenopathy.



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