뇌졸중 환자의 보행 비대칭성과 속도, 하지 운동 기능과의 상관관계

The Relationships among Gait Asymmetry, the Gait Velocity and Motor Function of Lower Extremity in Stroke Patients

  • 남형천 (경북전문대학 물리치료과) ;
  • 김성렬 (경남대학교 물리치료학과) ;
  • 안승헌 (국립재활원 물리치료실)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.21
  • 심사 : 2010.08.18
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


Purpose : The present study was to examine the difference and severity of asymmetry in independently ambulating stroke survivors and to establish the association between gait asymmetry, velocity, and the motor function of lower extremity. Methods : The subjects used in this study were 43 subjects with hemiparesis being able to walk independently. Motor function of lower extremity was measured clinically with the Fugl Meyer-Lower /Extremity Assessment. Overground gait velocity and spatia-temporal parameters were collected by the GAITRite system. Results : Thirty(69.77%) patients showed statistically significant temporal asymmetry while 28(65.1%) exhibited statistically significant spatial asymmetry. One-way ANOVA results showed a main effect of temporal asymmetry group(normative, mild, severe) for gait velocity(F=74.129), FM-L/E(F=17.270), swing-stance symmetry(F=66.869, F=13.485, respectively), spatio-temporal asymmetry(F=13.166, F=31.800, respectively) 66, F=31.800, respectively). Gait velocity was negatively associated with temporal asymmetry(r=-.83), spatial asymmetry(r=-.60). Motor function of lower extremity was also associated with temporal asymmetry(r=-.58), and spatial asymmetry(r=-.50). Conclusion : The study attempted to establish the standard assessment of hemiparesis gait symmetry in light of the complex relationship with motor impairment and gait velocity. More future work will need to link the degree of gait asymmetry to clinically relevant outcomes to better establish the clinical significance of such observations.



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