The Characteristics of Verbal Interaction according to Leader's Personality in Small Group Activities of Thinking Science

Thinking Science 활동에서 리더의 성격에 따른 모둠내 언어적 상호 작용 특징

  • Received : 2010.07.07
  • Accepted : 2010.08.26
  • Published : 2010.08.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze the within-group verbal interaction according to leader's personality in Thinking Science activities. For this study, 2 homogeneous small groups by cognitive level selected from one class of sixth grader. Each group was comprised of four students. Leaders of two groups selected from the results of NEO personality assessment and teacher's observation. One who got high scores in extraversion and agreeableness is named a sociable leader, the other who got low scores in extraversion and agreeableness is named a taciturn leader. Verbal interactions during small group activities were audio/video taped and students' interactions were classified into on-task and off-task. On-task included cognitive aspect and affective aspect. Interactions of cognitive aspect were divided into low and high level, also interactions of affective aspect were divided into positive and negative interaction. The results of this study showed that the verbal interactions in the sociable leader group were more activated than those in the taciturn leader group. Also, interaction level of the sociable leader group in cognitive aspect was higher than those of the taciturn leader group. In affective aspect, interaction pattern of the sociable leader group was similar to those of the taciturn leader group. The characteristics of leader's interaction are as follow. The rates of cognitive aspect in the sociable and the taciturn leaders' interactions were much higher than those of affective aspect. This tendency was especially remarkable in the taciturn leader's interactions. However, interaction level of the sociable leader in cognitive aspect was higher than those of the taciturn leader. In affective aspect, positive interaction rate of the sociable leader and the taciturn leader were higher than negative interaction rate.
