부부갈등과 우울, 불안의 관계에서 용서의 중재효과

Relationships Among Couple-Conflict, Forgiveness, Depression, and Anxiety: Moderating Effects of Forgiveness

  • 투고 : 2010.03.14
  • 심사 : 2010.08.20
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


This study investigates the relationships amongst couple conflict, forgiveness, depression, and anxiety according to gender. This study also examined whether forgiveness has a moderating effect on the relationship among couple conflict, depression, and anxiety according to gender. The sample consisted of 263 parents of high school students. The couples reported their level in the Couple Conflict Inventory, Enright Forgiveness Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, and Personality Assessment Inventory. The findings are as follows: 1) Anxiety only significantly differed between husband and wife. 2) Couple conflict positively related to husband and wife depression and anxiety. Forgiveness is negatively related to couple conflict, anxiety, and depression between husband and wife. 3) The moderating effects of forgiveness within couple conflict and depression only showed with the wife. 4) The moderating effect of forgiveness between couple conflict and anxiety was only displayed by the husband. The findings of this study indicate that forgiveness could function as a protective factor for couples who perceive couple conflict, depression, and anxiety. These results suggest implications for couple conflict education and couple counseling according to gender.



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