A Study on the DDC Index

DDC 색인에 대한 연구

  • 남태우 (중앙대학교 문과대학 문헌정보학과)
  • Received : 2010.08.18
  • Accepted : 2010.09.27
  • Published : 2010.09.30


A book index is a locater system that ordinarily connects a set of terms from a text of a book to the page where they occur in the book's text. The DDC Relative Index differs somewhat in both of this matters. Its terms refers to classification notations and their corresponding category statements as found in the schedule text rather than to page numbers. The index is the final equipment of a classification scheme. The index is of primary importance to any classification scheme. Therefore The purpose of this study is to analysis DDC Relative Index.

도서색인은 일종의 위치탐색 장치체계로서, 일반적으로 텍스트에 나오는 용어의 집합과 텍스트 속에서 그 용어가 출현하는 위치를 연결해 주는 역할만 한다. 반면에 DDC 상관색인의 용어는 페이지 수를 지시하기 보다는 분류번호나 혹은 본표에서 발견될 수 있는 이에 상응하는 범주어들을 가리킨다. DDC 색인은 DDC의 탄생 이상으로 그 중요성이 높다. 그래서 연구의 목적은 DDC 색인을 연구하는데 두었다. 상관색인은 본표나 보조표와는 정반대로 '표목 + 관점 + 분류기호'로 구성되어 있다. DDC에서 최초로 응용한 상관색인의 특성을 분석하여 그 기능을 종합하였으며, 또한 DDC 상관색인의 구조적 특성을 분석하였다.



  1. Denis Diderot and Jean d'Alembert, Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers(Paris : Andre Le Breton, 1751)
  2. Peter Burke, A Social History of Knowledge : From Gutenberg to Diderot(Canbridge : Polity Press, 2000), p.184.
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  4. A. R. Taylor, Renaissance Guides to Books(Berkely-LA., 1945), pp.89-198.
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  6. C. A. Cutter, Rules for a Dictionary Catalog(Washington : GPO, 1876).
  7. Aditya K. Ohdedar and B. Sengupta, Library Classification, 2nd ed.(Calcutta : The World Press Private Ltd., 1977), p.103.
  8. W. H. Phillips, A Primer of Book Classification, 5th ed.(London : Association of Assistant Librarians, 1961), p.55.
  9. Brian Buchanan, Theory of library classification(London : Clive Bingley, 1979), p.101.
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  14. Grace O. Kelley, The Classification of Books: An Inquiry into its Usefulness to the Reader(New York : The H. W. Wilson Co., 1938), pp.66-82.
  15. Henry E. Bliss, The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries and the Subject-approach to Books, 2nd ed.(New York : The H. W. Wilson Co., 1939), pp.31-46.
  16. D. N. Dutta, Library Classification: Manual(Calcutta : The World Press Private Limited, 1978), p.83.
  17. Henry E. Bliss, The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries and the Subject-approach to Books, 2nd ed.(New York : The H. W. Wilson Co., 1939), p.45.
  18. J. Mills, A Modern Outline of Library Classification, 3rd ed.(London : Chapman & Hall, 1962), p.53.
  19. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 22nd ed., edited by Joan S. Mitchell et al.(Dublin : OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 2003), pp.lix-lxii.
  20. 한국도서관협회 분류위원회 편, 한국십진분류법 제5판(서울 : 동협회, 2009), p.9.
  21. D. N. Dutta, Library Classification: Manual(Calcutta : The World Press Private Limited, 1978), p.80.
  22. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification Relative Index, 16th ed. edited by B. A. Custer(New York : Lake Placid Club Education Foundation, 1958), pp.29-75.
  23. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification Relative Index, 16th ed. edited by B. A. Custer(New York : Lake Placid Club Education Foundation, 1958), p.34.
  24. Aditya K. Ohdedar and B. Sengupta, Library Classification, 2nd ed.(Calcutta : The World Press Private Ltd., 1977), p.102.
  25. Melvil Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clippings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Rerumes, etc., 2nd ed. (Boston : Library Bureau, 1885), p.33.
  26. D. N. Dutta, Library Classification: Manual(Calcutta : The World Press Private Limited, 1978), p.79.
  27. Arthur Maltby, Sayers' Manual of Classification for Libraries, 5th ed.(London : Andre Deutsch, 1975), p.68.
  28. J. Mills, A Modern Outline of Library Classification, 3rd ed.(London : Chapman & Hall, 1962), pp.53
  29. 丸山昭二郞, 丸山泰通 編, DDC, LCC, NDC 圖書分類 記號變換(東京 : 丸善株式會社, 昭和59(1984)), p.78.
  30. W. C. Berwick Sayers, A manual of classification for librarians(London : Grafton, 1967), p.93
  31. 문헌정보학용어사전 편찬위원회 편, 문헌정보학용어사전, 개정판(서울 : 한국도서관협회, 2010).
  32. Aditya K. Ohdedar and B. Sengupta, Library Classification, 2nd ed.(Calcutta : The World Press Private Ltd., 1977), p.104.
  33. 남태우, "DDC 초판과 2판의 비교연구," In 문헌정보학논총: 리재철교수 정년기념논문집(서울 : 구미무역(주), 1994), pp.183-216
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  37. Melvil Dewey, A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library(Mass. : Amherst. 1876).
  38. M. Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clipppings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Reums, Etc., 2nd ed.(Boston : Library Bureau, 1885).
  39. Melvil Dewey, A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library(Mass. : Amherst. 1876), p.23.
  40. J. P. Comaromi, The Eighteen Editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification(Albany : Forest press, 1876), p.118.
  41. 이병수 역, 圖書分類法序說 ; 멜빌.듀이의 序說(Melvil Dewey's Introduction by Melvil Dewey Lake Placid Club N.Y. Dec. 10, 1926 in Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index).
  42. Lpis M. Chan et. al., Dewey Decimal Classification: A practical guide, 2nd ed.(New York : Forest Press, 1996), p.5.
  43. M. Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clipppings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Reums, Etc., 2nd ed.(Boston : Library Bureau, 1885), p.42.
  44. J. P. Comaromi, The Eighteen Editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification(Albany : Forest press, 1876), pp.154-155.
  45. M. Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clipppings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Reums, Etc., 2nd ed.(Boston : Library Bureau, 1885), p.32.
  46. Sarah K. Vann, "Toward the Seventeenth. Dewey," LRTS, Vol.8, no.2(1964), p.172.
  47. Melvil Dewey, A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library(Mass. : Amherst. 1876), p.4.
  48. Henry E. Bliss, The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries and the Subject-approach to Books, 2nd ed.(New York : The H. W. Wilson Co., 1939), p.199.
  49. Arthur Maltby, Sayers' Manual of Classification for Libraries, 5th ed.(London : Andre Deutsch, 1975), p.102.
  50. Melvil Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clippings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Rerumes, etc., 2nd ed.(Boston : Library Bureau, 1885), p.31.
  51. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification Relative Index, 16th ed. edited by B. A. Custer(New York : Lake Placid Club Education Foundation, 1958), pp.29-75.
  52. Melvil Dewey, Decimal Classification and Relative Index for Arranging Cataloging and Indexing Public and Private Libraries and for Pamflets, Clippings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Rerumes, etc., 2nd ed.(Boston : Library Bureau, 1885), p.34.
  53. E. Edwards, Memoirs of Libraries: Including a Handbook of Library Economy(London : Trubner & Co., 1859).
  54. G. Valentin in Osterreichischer Verein fur Bibliothekswesen, Mitterilungen, IX. Jaharg. 1905. pp.85-86.
  55. Aditya K. Ohdedar and B. Sengupta, Library Classification, 2nd ed.(Calcutta : The World Press Private Ltd., 1977), p.122.
  56. Henry E. Bliss, The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries and the Subject-approach to Books, 2nd ed.(New York : The H. W. Wilson Co., 1939), p.200.
  57. Aditya K. Ohdedar and B. Sengupta, Library Classification, 2nd ed.(Calcutta : The World Press Private Ltd., 1977), p.123.
  58. 오동근, DDC 연구(대구 : 태일사, 2001), p.76.
  59. F. Miksa, "The DDC Relative Index," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol.42, No.3/4(2006). pp.71-72.
  60. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 16th ed. edited by B. A. Custer(New York : Lake Placid Club Education Foundation, 1958), p.34.
  61. 丸山昭二郞, 丸山泰通 編, DDC, LCC, NDC 圖書分類 記號變換(東京 : 丸善株式會社, 昭和59(1984)), p.76.
  62. Brian Buchanan, Theory of library classification(London : Clive Bingle, 1979), p.103.
  63. 오동근, DDC 연구(대구 : 태일사, 2001), p.75.
  64. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 22nd ed., edited by Joan S. Mitchell et al.(Dublin : OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 2003), p.lx.
  65. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 19th ed., edited by B. A. Custer (Albany : Forest Press, 1976), p.lxxx.
  66. Melvil Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 22nd. ed., edited by Joan S. Mitchell et al.(Dublin, Ohio : OCLC., 2003), p.lxxi.
  67. Helmut Felber, "UDC and terminology," Int. Forum Inf. Doc., Vol.8, No.2(1983). pp.7-9.
  68. 丸山昭二郞, 丸山泰通 編, DDC, LCC, NDC 圖書分類 記號變換(東京 : 丸善株式會社, 昭和59(1984)), p.80.