Health Needs of the Elderly in Long-term Care Facilities: Using RAI-MDS-FC

노인요양시설 입소자의 요양등급별 건강 요구: RAI-MDS-FC를 적용하여

  • Received : 2010.04.02
  • Accepted : 2010.06.23
  • Published : 2010.06.30


Purpose: This study was to identify health needs of the elderly at nursing homes by long-term care grade. Methods: The health needs of 116 elders at two nursing homes in Seoul were measured with resident assessment protocols (RAPs), activities of daily living (ADL), and cognitive performance scale (CPS), and pain and depression were measured by resident assessment instrument (RAI). Results: With regard to RAPs, 11 out of 18 items had different distribution in the 3 groups significantly. The 1st-grade elders had a higher percentage of 9 items than the 2nd- and 3rd-grade ones but the 3rd-grade ones had the highest health needs related with activity. The 2nd-grade elders had similar health needs to the 1st-grade ones. In terms of functional level, the 1st-grade elders had the highest percentage of CPS and ADL but the 3rd-grade ones had the highest score of pain and depression out of the 3 groups. The standardized assessment instrument to identify specific health needs by the 3 groups should be developed. Therefore, care plans to meet health needs of the 3 groups will be made. Conclusion: It is suggested that nursing care is required to the elderly of the 1st- and 2nd-grade and safe activity and environment to the 3rd-graded ones.



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