- Building Information Modeling, From Wikipedia,
- Eastman C, Teicholz P, Sacks R, Liston K. BIM Handbook- A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners,Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors, JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. 2007.
- ASCE Construction Division. Constructability andConstructability Programs : White Paper, Journal ofConstruction Engineering and Management1999;117(1):67-89.
- Succar B. Building Information Modeling Framework: Aresearch and delivery foundation for industry stakeholders,Automation in Construction, 2008;18(3):357-375.
- Fisher DJ, Anderson SD, Rahman SP. IntegratedConstructability Tools into Constructability Review Process,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,ASCE, 2000;126(2):89-96.
- Arditi D, Elhassan A, Toklu Y C. Constructability Analysisin Design Firm, Journal of Construction Engineering andManagement, ASCE 2002;128(2):117-126.
- NIST, Computer Integrated Building Processes Group,
NIBS, National Building Information Modeling
$Standard^{TM}$, - GSA, 3D-4D Building Information ModelingGuide,
- AGC, The Constructor's Guide to BIM,
- US Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters, BuildingInformation Modeling(BIM) Building Strong,
- AIA, Integrated Project Deliver: A Guide, version-1,
- Integrated Project Delivery(IPD): A Guide
- Bae JS, Cho YS. A Study on the Embodiment of Prototypefor One-way Slab Design based on the ObjectARX applyingthe Concept of BIM. Journal of the Korea Institute ofBuilding Construction 2008;24(8):41-48.
- Building and fire Research Laboratory_Project Information;
- Cho CH, Yoon SH, Whang KM, Chin SY, Yoon SW. BIMCase Study: Sung Kwun Kwan Unvi. Digital LibraryProject. Journal of the Korea Institute of BuildingConstruction 2008;52(4):66-69.
- Lee BH. BIM Application for the Structural EngineeringField in Korea. Journal of the Korea Institute of BuildingConstruction 2010;54(1):52-57.
- Lee BH, Lee SI. Application of BIM for High Rise BuildingStructure. CAD&Graphics. 2009;4:102-105.
- Kim HH. Finding Solution for Construction of Non-FormalDesigned Building through BIM. Journal of the KoreaInstitute of Building Construction 2009;53(12):92-95.
- AEC(UK) BIM Standard for Revit
- Computer Aided Facilities Management(CAFM)
- CORENET: Construction and Real Estate Netwok
- Park CS Value Engineering vs. Constructability, KoreaInstitute of Construction Engineering and Management2000;1(13):13-16.
- CURT(The Construction User Roundtable)
- CIIA(Construction Industry Institute, Australia)
- CIRIA(Construction Industry Research and InformationAssociation)
- Park CS, Park HT. Improving Constructability AnalysisTasks by Applying BIM Technology. Journal of the KoreaInstitute of Construction Engineering and Management2010;11(2):137-146.
- Revit 2010 user's Guide ; CSV File Structure,topicNumber=d0e46118.