HMM-based Adaptive Frequency-Hopping Cognitive Radio System to Reduce Interference Time and to Improve Throughput

  • Received : 2010.02.17
  • Accepted : 2010.07.11
  • Published : 2010.08.27


Cognitive Radio is an advanced enabling technology for the efficient utilization of vacant spectrum due to its ability to sense the spectrum environment. It is important to determine accurate spectrum utilization of the primary system in a cognitive radio environment. In order to define the spectrum utilization state, many CR systems use what is known as the quiet period (QP) method. However, even when using a QP, interference can occur. This causes reduced system throughput and contrary to the basic condition of cognitive radio. In order to reduce the interference time, a frequency-hopping algorithm is proposed here. Additionally, to complement the loss of throughput in the FH, a HMM-based channel prediction algorithm and a channel allocation algorithm is proposed. Simulations were conducted while varying several parameters. The findings show that the proposed algorithm outperforms conventional channel allocation algorithms.



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