주요 잔디류와 화본과 식량 밭작물의 황색마름병원균 및 설부소립균핵병원균에 대한 저항성 평가

Resistance Evaluation of Several Turfgrass Species and Graminious Crop Species against Rhizoctonia cerealis and Typhula incarnata under Controlled Conditions

  • 장석원 (영동대학교 바이오지역혁신센터) ;
  • 장태현 (경북대학교 식물자원학과) ;
  • 양근모 (단국대학교 녹지조경학과) ;
  • 최준수 (단국대학교 녹지조경학과) ;
  • 노용택 (영동대학교 바이오지역혁신센터)
  • Chang, Seog-Won (Bio-Regional Innovation Center, Youngdong University) ;
  • Chang, Tae-Hyun (Department of Plant Resources, Division of Ecology and Environment System, College of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Yang, Geun-Mo (Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Bio-Resources Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Choi, Joon-Soo (Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Bio-Resources Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Rho, Yong-Taek (Bio-Regional Innovation Center, Youngdong University)
  • 투고 : 2010.04.30
  • 심사 : 2010.05.15
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


2008~2009 겨울 동안 강원도와 전라북도 소재 골프장에서 분리한 황색마름병원균(Rhizoctonia cerealis Van der Hoeven)과 설부갈색소립균핵병원균(이하 설부병원균)(Typhlua incarnata Lasch ex Fr.)에 대한 화본과 식물과 잔디 종(품종)의 저항성이 실내에서 평가되었다. 분리균주의 병원성 검정결과 대부분의 잔디와 화본과 식물에 병을 일으켰지만 균주간의 병원력 차이도 발견되었다. 황색마름 병균은 잔디의 지제부위를 통해 감염하여 연한 갈색의 원형 반점 증상을 보이다가 진전되면 적색을 띄다가 결국 진한 갈색의 증상으로 나타났다. 설부병 증상은 수침형 반점으로 시작해서 전체 식물체를 갈색으로 고사시켰는데, 대부분 감염부위에서 흰색의 균사체가 식물체와 토양을 뒤덮었고 진전되면 다양한 크기의 갈색과 검은색의 독특한 균핵을 형성하였다. 병 발생은 습실기간이 길어질수록 증가하는 경향이었다. 화본과 작물과 잔디의 종(품종)간에는 병원균의 병원력에 차이도 나타났으며 두 병원균에 대해 양적인 차이를 보였다.

During 2008~2009 winter season, yellow patch and gray snow mold occurred on turfgrass plants in golf courses in Kangwon and Jeonbuk provinces, respectively. The fungi associated with the diseases were identified as Rhizoctonia cerealis Van der Hoeven and Typhlua incarnata Lasch ex Fr., based on the morphological characteristics of hyphae and sclerotia. R. cerealis and T. incarnata were pathogenic to most turfgrass and crop species tested. R. cerealis infected crown, stem and leaf tissue of the host plants, and the symptom was light yellow circular patch. Individual infected leaf near the margin of patch developed red color first and finally turn brown. The symptoms caused by gray snow mold pathogen are water-soaked spots, and became a watery soft rot. Infection parts became yellow and then turned brown followed by death of the whole plant. White mycelia were developed on higher petioles, leaves, and on soil where these plant parts lay, and black sclerotia of variable size and shape formed in the mycelial mass. All isolates tested were pathogenic on most turfgrass and crop plants, and significantly different in aggressiveness. Disease severity increased with longer snow cover days on target plants, suggesting that disease severity was expressed over snow cover days. There were significant differences in disease severity among the graminious species, and among cultivars within each species, indicating varying levels of susceptibility to R. cerealis and T. incarnata.



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