보행 시 부하 위치에 따른 족저압 중심(COP) 이동 분석

The Analysis of Center of Pressure(COP) Displacement under Loading Position during Walking

  • 박수진 (대구대학교 대학원 재활과학과) ;
  • 김진상 (대구대학교 재활과학대학 물리치료학과)
  • Park, Soo-Jin (Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Daegu University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Sang (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University)
  • 투고 : 2010.01.04
  • 심사 : 2010.02.17
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of loading position on plantar center of pressure(COP) displacement when carrying a schoolbag during walking. Methods : Forty-four normal subjects were randomly assigned to five groups according to the method of carrying a schoolbag. The carrying a schoolbag methods were classified into five conditions: no bag (condition 1), a backpack (condition 2), a shoulder bag (condition 3), a cross bag (condition 4), a one-hand bag (condition 5). COP displacement such as anteroposterior distance and mediolateral distance of COP were measured with F-scan system. The repeated one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent t-test were used to confirm the statistical significance. Results : In the comparison of parameters of COP displacement between conditions, anteroposterior distance and mediolateral distance in the left foot and mediolateral distance in the right foot were not significantly different(p>.05), but anteroposterior diatance in the right foot was significantly different(p>.05). Between left and right foot, at condition 1 and 5 the mediolateral distance of COP was significantly different(p<.05) but anteroposterior distance at condition 1 and 5, anteroposterior distance and mediolateral distance of COP at condition 2, 3 and 4 were not significantly different(p>.05). Conclusion : These findings showed that the various loading position by five types of carrying a schoolbag didn't have influence significantly on COP displacement on during walking because of mechanism of postural adaption.



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