A Study on the Survey Methods of Needs for Ubiquitous Home Services by Elderly Residents - Focused on Examining the Effectiveness of PBS and WBS -

노인 거주자의 유비쿼터스 홈 서비스 요구도 조사를 위한 방법론 연구 - 종이기반 조사와 웹기반조사의 효용성 검증을 중심으로-

  • 권오정 (건국대학교 건축대학 주거환경) ;
  • 이용민 (건국대학교 건축공학과 주거환경) ;
  • 하해화 (건국대학교 건축공학과 주거환경)
  • Received : 2010.04.21
  • Accepted : 2010.06.08
  • Published : 2010.06.25


Recently, Web-based Survey has attempted to overcome the limitations of Paper-based survey. This method is more effective in costs and time use than traditional methods, also help respondents to understand and interest in the survey. Especially for the elderly, web-based survey is effective survey tool, because audio-visual material could be provied. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of two kinds of methods which were web-based survey and paper-based survey, focused on elderly residents' needs for ubiquitous home service. The participants were older than 60 and divided into 2 groups, web-based survey and paper-based survey, each group was controlled over by age, gender, computer skill. For this study, elderly residents conducted a survey passed through 2 steps, the first was residents' needs for ubiquitous home services, the second was an evaluation of survey methods. Finding were as follows : first, there was no difference between the two groups in needs for ubiquitous home service, so survey itself can not make a difference in survey results. Second, respondents of web-based survey were more interested in and felt easier about method that they conducted than ones of paper-based survey. Finally, Web-based survey will be more effective method to be figure out the need of the elderly who are familiar with computer.



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