Pre-service Teachers' Conceptualization of Arithmetic Mean

산술 평균에 대한 예비교사들의 개념화 분석

  • Joo, Hong-Yun (Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Graduate School of Korea University) ;
  • Kim, Kyung-Mi (Center for Curriculum and Instruction studies, Korea University) ;
  • Whang, Woo-Hyung (Dept. of Math. Education, Korea University)
  • Received : 2010.02.01
  • Accepted : 2010.05.07
  • Published : 2010.05.31


The purpose of the study were to investigate how secondary pre-service teachers conceptualize arithmetic mean and how their conceptualization was formed for solving the problems involving arithmetic mean. As a result, pre-service teachers' conceptualization of arithmetic mean was categorized into conceptualization by "mathematical knowledge(mathematical procedural knowledge, mathematical conceptual knowledge)", "analog knowledge(fair-share, center-of-balance)", and "statistical knowledge". Most pre-service teachers conceptualized the arithmetic mean using mathematical procedural knowledge which involves the rules, algorithm, and procedures of calculating the mean. There were a few pre-service teachers who used analog or statistical knowledge to conceptualize the arithmetic mean, respectively. Finally, we identified the relationship between problem types and conceptualization of arithmetic mean.



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