Evaluation on Adaptation of Zosia japonica as Effected by Different Green Roof System under Rainfed Conditon

무관수 옥상녹화시스템의 차이에 따른 들잔디 적응성 평가

  • Ju, Jin-Hee (Department of Forest Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Won-Tae (Department of Environment and Landscape Architecture, Cheonanyonam College) ;
  • Choi, Woo-Young (Department of Forest Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Yoon, Yong-Han (Department of Forest Science Graduate School, Konkuk University)
  • Received : 2010.06.05
  • Accepted : 2010.08.22
  • Published : 2010.09.30


This study proposes a guideline of a green roof system suitable for the local environment by verifying the growth of Zoysia japonica in a shallow, extensive, green roof system under rainfed condition. The experimental soil substrates into which excellent drought tolerance and creeping Z. japonica was planted were made with different soil thicknesses(15cm, 25cm) and soil mixing ratios(SL, $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$, $P_4P_4L_2$). The plant height, green coverage ratio, fresh weight, dry weight and chlorophyll contents of Z. japonica were investigated. For the soil thickness of 15cm, the plant height of Z. japonica was significantly as affected by the soil mixing ratio and it was shown in the order SL= $P_4P_4L_2$ < $P_7P_1L_2$ = $P_5P_3L_2$ < $P_6P_2L_2$. For the soil thickness of 25cm, the plant height was increased in order to SL < $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ < $P_4P_4L_2$. The green coverage ratio was not observed by soil the mixing ratio or soil thickness. However, the green coverage ratio was 86~90% with a good coverage rate overall. The chlorophyll contents of Z. japonica were not significantly affected by the soil mixing ratio in the soil thickness of 15cm, but were higher in the natural soil than in the artificial soil at 25cm soil thickness. The fresh weight and dry weight of Zoysia japonica were heavier in the 25cm thickness than in the 15cm thickness and in the artificial soil mixture than in the natural soil. The result indicated that the growth of Zoysia japonica was more effective in the 25cm soil thickness with artificial soil than in the 15cm soil thickness with natural soil in the green roof system under rainfed condition.



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