The purpose of this study was to survey visiting health care personnel who worked for their public medical health institutions and thereby investigate their oral health knowledge and behavior. Findings of this study are summarized as follow; First, our visiting health care personnel had a significant tendency toward higher score at correct answers to questions about oral health knowledge (mean knowledge about periodontal disease: 67%, mean knowledge about dental caries: 68%, mean knowledge about common dentistry: 68.4% or higher). Secondly, in terms of oral health care behavior, 50% or higher of all our visiting health care personnel visited dental clinic for preventive purposes, and 60.1% visited dental clinic for oral treatment. 46.6% of health care personnel relied on dental clinic for regular scaling services, and 89.6% relied on general hospital or dental clinic for oral treatment. 89.5% of health care personnel brushed their teeth 3 times or more per day; more than half (58%) of them preferred dental floss to other oral hygiene supplies; and 46% practiced roll technique to brush their teeth. Thirdly, health care personnel's oral health knowledge was significantly correlated with their age (F=5.25, p<0.01) and career of health care (F=3.94, p<0.01), while their oral health behavior was significantly associated with their career of visiting health care (F=3.20, p< 0.05).
본 논문은 공공의료보건기관에서 근무하는 방문건강인력의 구강보건에 대한 전문성 제고의 목적에서 구강건강 지식 및 실천에 대해 조사하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 구강건강지식은 치주질환 67%, 치아우식증 68%, 일반치과지식은 68.4%이상의 정답률을 보였다. 둘째, 구강건강실천은 예방목적의 치과방문에서 50%이상, 치료를 위해서 60.1%가 치과방문을 하는 것으로 조사되었다. 치석제거는 46.6%가 정기적으로 받는 것으로 나타났고, 치과치료이용을 89.6%가 종합병원·치과(병)의원을 이용하는 것으로 조사되었다. 칫솔질의 경우 3회 이상은 89.5%, 구강위생용품으로는 치실을 58%로 가장 많이 사용하였으며, 칫솔질 방법으로 회전법을 시행하는 대상자는 46%로 조사되었다. 셋째, 일반적 특성에 따른 구강건강지식은 연령(F=5.25, p<0.01), 보건의료직 경력(F=3.94, p<0.01)에 따라, 구강건강실천은 방문보건경력에 따라 유의한 관련성을 보였다(F=3.20, p<0.05).