전자파 고노출 직업군의 근무환경 조사 및 시판 전자기파 차폐소재를 이용한 철도 근무복의 차폐성능 연구

A Comparative Study of the Shielding Performance of Uniforms using Electromagnetic Wave Shielding Materials Currently on the Market for Workers at Korea Railroad Corporation

  • 투고 : 2010.02.16
  • 심사 : 2010.05.07
  • 발행 : 2010.07.31


This study set out to develop clothes made of electromagnetic wave shielding materials. Among the various worker groups exposed to electromagnetic waves for long hours, railroad workers were chosen for the study. After selecting the locations they worked, the investigator measured electromagnetic wave on the field. To examine the effects of electromagnetic wave shielding materials, I applied a lining made of electromagnetic wave shielding materials to the existing work clothes. The first experimental clothes had the silver fabric for the lining in the current working clothes, the second experimental clothes had the copper- and nickel-plate polyester placed between the outer and the lining to prevent the corrosive material from contacting the skin, and the third experimental clothes had the silver fabric for the lining and the copper- and nickel-plate polyester between the outer and the lining. The results indicate that even if a fabric is evaluated to shield electromagnetic waves after tests, it cannot completely shield electromagnetic waves emitting from everyday appliances of 60Hz. Therefore, there should be ongoing development and research efforts on fabrics that can shield electromagnetic waves to a certain degree in order to develop working clothes to alleviate fatigue for those who are constantly exposed to electromagnetic waves, relieve their anxiety, offer them psychological stability and thus help them increase job efficiency.



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