만 3.4.5세 유아의 존댓말 습득에 관한 연구

A Study to the Acquisition of Honorific Markers by Three-, Four-, and Five-year-old Young Children

  • 박진이 (성남 하원초등학교 병설 유치원) ;
  • 김민진 (중앙대학교 유아교육과)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.31
  • 심사 : 2010.11.11
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


The purpose of this study was to examine Korean young children's acquisition of honorific expressions. The participants of the present study were 297 young children (ages 3-5 years) from Kyunggi province. The results of the study showed that young children acquire honorific markers in the order of hearer-honorific expressions, subject-honorific expressions, and then object-honorific expressions. Five-year old children acquired at least 75% of the hearer-honorific expressions. The result can be explained by the fact that most of them were used in greetings. Even though more than 90% of five-year old children acquired the subject-honorific marker si, the acquisition rates of subjecthonorific nouns and subject-honorific verbs were less than 10%. Finally, the acquisition rates of objecthonorific expressions were less than 20%, with the exception of the object-honorific noun ce. The results of the study suggest that educational programs should be developed in order to facilitate the acquisition of honorific markers in young children.



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