우리나라 양산지역 학동전기 아동에서 비만 진단을 위한 체지방률의 절단값

The Cut Off Values of Body Fat Percentage for Diagnose Obese among Selected Number of Preschool Children in Yangsan

  • 정민정 (부산대학교 한방병원 한방소아과) ;
  • 김기봉 (부산대학교 한방병원 한방소아과, 부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 한방소아과학 교실)
  • Jeong, Min-Jeong (Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Bong (Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University School of Korean Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.23
  • 심사 : 2010.08.16
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


Objectives The objectives of this study were to evaluate the correlations between the indices of obesity and percentage body fat by bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA). Also, this study was designed to define the cut off values of percentage body fat by BIA which would represent BMI and degree of obesity in order to detect overweight and obesity in preschool children. Methods The height and weight of 683 children aged four to six years old were measured. Also, percentages of body fat were measured by BIA. Results There were high correlations between the boy's body fat percentages and degree of obesity(r=790). Also, there were high correlations between the girl's body fatpercentages and BMI(r=778). The cut off values of body fat percentage, which would correspond to those of BMI percentiles, were calculated by ROC curve analysis. To classify as an overweight, the correspondent cut off values of body fat percentage were 19.55% in boys and 22.35% in girls. For obesity, the cut off values were 28.80% in boys and 27.60% in girls. The cut off values of body fat percentage, which would correspond to degree of obesity were calculated by ROC curve analysis. To classify as an overweight, the correspondent cut off values of body fat percentage were 19.75% in boys and 22.35% in girls. For obesity, the cut off values were 29.05% in boys and 28.75% in girls. Conclusions According to the BMI criteria by the Korean pediatrics society in 2007, the most appropriate cut off values of body fat percentage in for four to six years old children were follows; for boys, 19.55% considered as overweight, and 28.80% as obese while for girls, 22.35% considered as overweight and 27.60% as obese. According to suggested degree of obesity criteria, the most appropriate cut off values of body fat percentage in for four to six old children were were follows; For boys, 19.75% was considered as overweight, and 29.05% as obesity. For girls, 22.35% was considered as overweight, and 28.75% as obese.



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