The Effect of Hwangryunhaedoktang on the Toxicity of Dried Mylabris phalerata Extract

황련해독탕(黃蓮解毒湯)이 반묘(斑猫)의 독성에 미치는 영향

  • Kim, Seong-Mo (Department of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Choi, Hong-Sik (Department of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Seo, Bu-Il (Department of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University)
  • 김승모 (대구한의대학교 한의학과) ;
  • 최홍식 (대구한의대학교 한의학과) ;
  • 서부일 (대구한의대학교 한의학과)
  • Received : 2010.04.19
  • Accepted : 2010.06.22
  • Published : 2010.06.30


Objectives : This study was carried out to investigate the anti-toxicity effect of Hwangryunhaedoktang on the dried Mylabris phalerata extract containing cantharidin in ICR mouse. Methods : Dried Mylabris phalerata extracts were orally administered at dosage level 2000, 1000, 500, 250 and 125mg/kg, respectively with and/or without administration of Hwangryunhaedoktang 200mg/kg. During 2 weeks, the changes of body weight, mortality, $LD_{50}$, macroscopic changes of gastrointestinal tract and liver, changes of serum gastrin and somatostatin levels were observed. Results : Decrease of body weight gains was observed in dried Mylabris phalerata extract-dosing groups, but it was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging. Increase of mortality rates was observed in dried Mylabris phalerata extract-dosing groups, but it was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging. The $LD_{50}$ of dried Mylabris phalerata extract in male mice significantly increased in a case of concomitant used of Hwangryunhaedoktang 268.86 vs 662.05mg/kg. Clinical signs were observed in dried Mylabris phalerata extract-dosing groups, but it was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging after dosaging. Increase of number of hemorrhagic and/or erythematous spots in the gastrointestinal tracts, enlargement and congestion in the liver were observed in dried Mylabris phalerata extract-dosing groups, but it was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging. Increase of serum gastrin level was observed in dried Mylarbis phalerata extract-dosing groups, these state of abnormal increase was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging. Decrease of serum somatostatin level was observed in dried Mylabris phalerata extract-dosing groups, these state of abnormal decrease was significantly developed in Hwangryunhaedoktang extract-dosing groups after dosaging. Conclusions : We could conclude that the Hwangryunhaedoktang has anti-toxicity effect on the dried Mylabris phalerata extract containing cantharidin.



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