Temporal Variations of Heterotrophic- and Photosynthetic Dinoflagellates at a Single Station in Jangmok Bay in Summer 2003

2003년 하계 장목만 단일정점에서 종속영양 와편모류와 광합성 와편모류 현존량의 시간적 변화

  • Lee, Won-Je (Department of Environment of Engineering, Kyungnam Univeristy) ;
  • Yang, Un-Jin (Department of Environment of Engineering, Kyungnam Univeristy)
  • Received : 2010.02.04
  • Accepted : 2010.03.31
  • Published : 2010.05.31


We investigated the temporal variations of heterotrophic dinoflagellates (hereafter HDNF) and photosynthetic dinoflagellates (hereafter PDNF) from 14 June to 4 September 2003 at a single station in Jangmok Bay. We took water samples 47 times from 2 depths (surface and bottom layers) at hide tide. A total of 63 species were encountered and in general the most abundant genera were Prorocentrum and Protoperidinium. The abundance of PDNF and HDNF was in the range of $0.04{\sim}55.8{\times}10^4$ cells/L and in the range of $0.01{\sim}4.35{\times}10^4$ cells/L, respectively. The mean abundance of PDNF was approximately 7 times higher than that of HDNF, and was higher in the surface layer where has enough irradiance for photosynthesis than in the bottom layer. The total dinoflagellate abundance was higher in the NLP (nitrogen limitation period) than in the SLP (silicate limitation period), and the abundance in the hypoxic conditions was similar to that in the normal conditions. The Shannon-Weaver species diversity index were slightly higher in the bottom layer, the SLP and the hypoxic conditions. The PDNF abundance were correlated with temperature, DO, total inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in the whole water column, and the HDNF abundance was significantly correlated with temperature, salinity and DO. This study shows that the dinoflagellate abundance might be affected by abiotic factors such as irradiance, temperature, salinity, DO and the concentrations of inorganic nutrients, and provides baseline information for further studies on plankton dynamics in Jangmok Bay.



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