A Study on Oral Symptoms and Oral Health Behavior among Secondary Students

S중, 고등학생의 구강검진에 따른 구강 증상 및 구강건강행태 조사

  • Hong, Min-Hee (Department of Dental Hygiene kangwon National University) ;
  • Jeong, Mi-As (Department of Dental Hygiene kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2010.01.11
  • Accepted : 2010.04.09
  • Published : 2010.04.30


This study carried out dental checkup targeting 251 students in the 1st grade of S middle school and 220 students in the 1st grade of S high school in Seoul Metropolis. The results are as follows. As for the experience of dental hypersensitivity to oral symptoms in middle-and-high school students, 23.2% of high school students had experience of painful tooth when drinking or eating cold and hot beverage or food, compared to 14.3% of middle school students, and showed significant difference($\chi^2=6.08$, p<.05). As for the experience of painful teeth, 9.1% of high school students had experience of being sore, aching, and painful in the teeth, compared to 4.4% of middle school students, and showed significant difference($\chi^2=4.23$, p<.05). As a result of the oral health behavior in middle-and-high school students, 48.6% of middle school students were indicated to be higher than 26.4% of high school students in the experience of having ever gone to dentist for the past 1 year, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=24.56$, p<.001). As for the period of toothbrushing during one day, 68.5% of middle school students brushed teeth after having breakfast($\chi^2=6.39$, p<.05) more than 57.3% of high school students. After having lunch, 16.8% of high school students brushed teeth more than 7.2% of middle school students, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=10.58$, p<.01). As a result of judging dental checkup in middle-and-high school students, 44.1% of high school students had dental caries($\chi^2=25.36$, p<.001) more than 22.3% of middle school students. 9.6% of middle school students had tooth loss more than 4.1% of high school students, and showed statistically significant difference($\chi^2=5.39$, p<.05).

본 연구는 서울시에 소재한 S중학교 1학년 251명, S남자고등학교 1학년 220명을 대상으로 구강검진을 실시한 결과 아래와 같다. 구강증상에 대한 중, 고등학생들의 치아 지각과민 경험은 고등학생이 23.2%로 중학생 14.3%보다 차갑고 뜨거운 음료 혹은 음식을 마시거나 먹을 때 치아가 아픈 경험이 있었으며, 유의한 차이를 보였다($\chi^2=6.08$, p<.05). 치아 통증에 대한 경험은 고등학생이 9.1%로 중학생 4.4%보다 치아가 쑤시고 욱신거리고 아픈 경험이 있었으며, 유의한 차이를 보였다($\chi^2=4.23$, p<.05). 중학생과 고등학생의 구강건강행태 결과 중학생이 48.6%로 고등학생 26.4%보다 지난 1년 간 치과병원을 간 적이 더 높게 나타났으며, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다($\chi^2=24.56$, p<.001). 하루 동안 잇솔질 시기는 중학생이 68.5%로 고등학생 57.3%보다 아침식사 후에 이를 많이 닦았으며($\chi^2=6.39$, p<.05), 점심식사 후에는 고등학생이 16.8%로 중학생 7.2%보다 이를 많이 닦았으며, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다($\chi^2=10.58$, p<.01). 또한 중학생과 고등학생의 구강검사 판정결과 고등학생이 44.1%로 중학생 22.3%보다 우식치아가 많았으며($\chi^2=25.36$, p<.001), 중학생이 9.6%로 고등학생 4.1%보다 상실치아가 더 많았고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다($\chi^2=5.39$, p<.05).



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