국내 유기견의 개 옴 감염 상황

Prevalence of canine scabies in the Korean stray dogs

  • 심사 : 2010.09.07
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


Recently, the number of stray dogs is proportionate to the increase of the number of the companion dogs. Sarcoptic scabiei var canis, causing scabies, is one of the most important canine zoonotic arthropods in Korea and around the world. Thus, we have tried to know the prevalence of canine scabies in the stray dogs in Korea. A total of 565 stray dogs were collected from the rescue centers all over the country from Jan. 2006 to Dec. 2006. They were grouped with euthanasia or natural death and examined for the gender and age estimated by dental formula. To identify the lesions, the whole body was grossly examined and tested pathologically. Thirty two (5.66%) of 565 dogs were diagnosed as canine scabies. Dogs from urban areas had fewer scabies (0.62%) than those of rural areas (12.5%). Prevalence of scabies in male and female dogs was no difference as 5.96% and 5.25%. Euthanasia group showed higher prevalence (6.48%) than natural death group (2.44%) in scabies. Old dogs over five years showed lower infestration (1.82%) in scabies. In histopathological findings, there were mites in the burrows formed in the subcorneal space. Acanthosis, hyperkeratosis with crust, and vascular dilatation were main findings. One hundred thirteen (20%) of 565 stray dogs were diagnosed to have skin disease. Among them, canine scabies is the most prominent ectoparasite as 5.66 %. With previous reports on human infection in Korea, canine scabies must be regarded as the important zoonotic canine skin disease. Accordingly, for the human and canine hygiene it is imperative that stray dogs with skin problems are segregated and tested for the parasites to treat properly as soon as arriving at rescue shelter.



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