A Study on Circulation System in conjunction with the multi-floored Art Museum - With reference to art museum in Europe -

미술계뮤지엄의 다층화에 따른 동선체계의 변화에 관한 연구 - 유럽 소재 뮤지엄을 중심으로 -

  • 문정묵 (상명대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인)
  • Received : 2010.01.29
  • Accepted : 2010.03.05
  • Published : 2010.04.30


In Europe, traditionally the low-rised buildings for public art museum have been constructed since the 18th century like any other buildings and these are because of the technical issue for construction difficulty. Even if the low-rised art museum buildings are still continued for it's construction, gradually the high-rised art museum buildings begin to be build due to the development of contemporary technology in high-dense modern urban space. This tendency of high-rised art museum building in recent years is expected to affect on the interior space of it and most of all the spatial change in conjunction with circulation system variation is remarkable. Because the circulation system in art museum means tourist's spatial experience and it normally controls the experience of knowledge in art museum. This study is to understand how the multi-floored art museums in Europe affect to the spatial structure and how this is related to the circulation system. And also the study raised an issue on what it's social meaning is. Through these analysis the study can provide the meaning of multi-floored art museum and basic indication in art museum planning. To understand this, the study calculated the number of stories, number of vertical circulation and number of ring-structure space. Also the study tired to use space syntax tools, which are connectivity, integration value, integration value in major space, integration value in vertical circulation and intelligibility value. those tools alculated topological transfiguration of the whole space.Throughout the study, it was concluded that the influence of high-rised art museum in Europe changed the spatial structure and circulation system. The topological center of art museum that has been the grand space since 18th century changed to the vertical circulation due to the it's roll of distributing visitors to each floor. It became a starting point of spatial deployment and experience in art museum.



Supported by : 상명대학교


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