$\beta$-Subunit 94~96 Residues of Tethered Recombinant Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin are Important Sites for Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone like Activities

  • Park, Jong-Ju (Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio. & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University) ;
  • JarGal, Naidansuren (Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio. & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Yoon, Jong-Taek (Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio. & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Min, Kwan-Sik (Animal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bio. & Information Technology, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.03.09
  • 심사 : 2010.03.23
  • 발행 : 2010.03.31


Equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) is a heavily glycosylated glycoprotein composed of non-covalently linked $\alpha$- and $\beta$-subunits. To study the function and signal transduction of tethered recombinant-eCG (rec-eCG), a single chain eCG molecule was constructed, and the rec-eCG protein was prepared. In this study, we constructed 5 mutants (${\Delta}1$, ${\Delta}2$, ${\Delta}3$, ${\Delta}4$, and ${\Delta}5$) of rec-eCG using data about known glycoprotein hormones to analyze the role of specific follicle stimulating homone (FSH)-like activity. Three amino acids of certain specific sites were replaced with alanine. The expression vectors were transfected into CHO cells and subjected to G418 selection for 2~3 weeks. The media were collected and the quantity of secreted tethered rec-eCGs was quantified by ELISA. The LH- and FSH-like activities were assayed in terms of cAMP production by rat LH/CG and rat FSH receptors. Then, the metabolic clearance rate analyzed by the injection of rec-eCG (5 IU) into the tail vein was analyzed. The mutant eCGs (${\Delta}l$, ${\Delta}4$, and ${\Delta}5$) were transcripted, but not translated into proteins. Rec-eCG A2 was secreted in much lower amounts than the wild type. Only the rec-eCG ${\Delta}3$ ($\beta$-subunit: $Gln^{94}-Ile^{95}-Lys^{96}{\rightarrow}Ala^{94}-Ala^{95}-Ala^{96}$) was efficiently secreted. Although activity is low, its LH-like activity was similar to that of tethered $eCG{\beta\alpha}$. However, the FSH-like activity of rec-$eCG{\beta\alpha\Delta}3$ was completely flat. The result of the analysis of the metabolic clearance rate shoed the persistence of the mutant in the blood until 4 hours after the injection. After then, it almost disappeared at 8 hours. Taken together, these data suggest that 94~96 amino acid sequences in eCG $\beta$-subunit appear to be of utmost importance for signal transduction of the FSH receptor.



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