The distribution of exotic weeds in 4 island area such as Baengnyeong-do, Heuksan-do, Chuja-do, and Geomun-do in Korea was investigated. Baengnyeong-do, Heuksan-do, Chuja-do, and Geomun-do have different weed flora, 41 species included 13 families, 32 species included 11 families, 23 species included 9 families and 30 species included 12 families were observed in the 4 islands, respectively. 18 families 70 species were occurred in 4 island. Most troublesome exotic weeds were Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Solanum carolinense, Cuscuta pentagona. Occurrence frequency of Conyza canadensis, Erigeron annuus, Dactylis glomerata, Bromus catharticus and Lolium multiflorum were the highest in each island, respectively. Also, result of divided life cycle, annual weeds were 28 species occupied 40% in total, biennial weeds were 21 species (30%) and perennial weeds were 21 species (30%).
우리나라 서남부 4개 도서를 대상으로 외래잡초 발생분포를 조사한 결과, 백령도 13과 41종, 흑산도 11과 32종, 추자도 9과 23종, 그리고 거문도에 12과 30종이 발생되어 전체적으로 18과 70종이 조사되었다. 문제 외래잡초로는 돼지풀, 도깨비가지, 미국실새삼 등으로 효율적인 관리가 필요하다. 발생정도가 높은 외래잡초는 망초, 개망초, 오리새, 큰이삭풀, 쥐보리, 방가지똥, 선개불알풀 등이었다. 또한 생활형별로는 일년생이 28종으로 전체의 40%를 차지하였으며, 월 년생이 21종(30%), 다년생이 21종(30%)이었다.