Framing Space and Identity - Examining Through the Space of Scholarship -

  • Kim, Jung-In (Department of Architecture, Soong Sil University)
  • 투고 : 2009.11.21
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


This paper will discuss three different ways of framing relationships between identity and built forms mainly through the theoretical frame works of David Harvey, Christine M. Boyer, Jane M. Jacobs, Doreen Massey, Paul Rabinow, and Michel Foucault. From these scholars, this paper will argue the relationships between identity and built forms are categorized as such: "Becoming", "Politics of Difference", and "Construction of Self". Besides these three approaches of framing identity and built forms, relevant ideas will be drawn from the work of other scholars in so far as their theoretical positions relate and support these three key frameworks. To approach the critical points of each debate, these three categories are further analyzed by juxtaposing the epistemological positions between them. Through the comparisons, this paper illustrates the interrelationships and interdependence of these three categories whose discursive power gains rapid popularity in Western scholarships. By incorporating the three ways to view the relationship between built form and the identity of social groups, drawn is a suggestion for a broader imagining of new spatial identity.



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