Study on Perception of High School Students of Biotechnology

생명공학 기술에 대한 고등학교 학생들의 인식 조사 연구

  • Received : 2010.02.16
  • Accepted : 2010.03.30
  • Published : 2010.03.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' perceptions of biotechnology. Participants in this study were 9th and 10th grade students who were enrolled in high schools in Gyeonggi Province. The survey instrument used in this study was a 26-item questionnaire that was designed to measure students' perceptions regarding biotechnology. The study revealed that students' perceptions were positive toward the use of biotechnology on biological objects such as plant, grain and microbes. However, their perceptions were negative toward the use of biotechnology on humans and animals. Male students' perceptions were more positive than female students and there were significant differences between male and female students(p<.01). The study also revealed that male and female students had positive perceptions about the use of biotechnology in the development of beneficial products. However, male students' perceptions were more positive than female students(p<.01). Female students' perceptions were slightly more negative than males and they indicated a measure of caution in the development of beneficial products using biotechnology. Regarding the reliability of biotechnological information acquired from food companies, TV broadcasters, and entertainers, male and female students tended to be highly negative. Students perceived that environmental, religious and ethical issues did not affect the use of biotechnology when asked the effect of these factors on the use of biotechnology. They perceived that food safety and genetic factors of microbes did affect the use of biotechnology. Thus, the study findings suggest that teaching and learning strategies based on the differences of perceptions between male and female students of this study be established and the use of media, development of teaching method and materials be promoted in order to enhance student's performance in environmental education.
