키위 농축액을 첨가한 키위 죽의 품질 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Quality Characteristics of Kiwi Fruit-Gruel with Added Kiwi Concentrate

  • 김종욱 (대림대학 호텔관광외식계열) ;
  • 성기협 (대림대학 호텔관광외식계열)
  • Kim, Jong-Wook (Dept. of Hotel, Tourism & Food Service Management, Daelim University College) ;
  • Sung, Ki-Hyub (Dept. of Hotel, Tourism & Food Service Management, Daelim University College)
  • 투고 : 2010.02.25
  • 심사 : 2010.04.23
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


In this study, kiwi fruit, which has various medical actions and excellent functionality, was used together with gruels for comparison and analysis of to compare and analyze the changes in physico-chemical quality of a kiwi fruit-gruel according to the amount of kiwi concentrate added to the gruel. Analysis on the sensual quality of kiwi fruit-gruel spread was done to indicate to it was executed to find out the merchandising potential of the preparation and to provide basic data for gruel commercialization. Increasing content of kiwi concentrate decreased the solid content and pH of kiwi fruit, and increased sweetness and viscosity. Significant changes in chromaticity to L(lightness) and a(redness), texture qualities of hardness and cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness, color, flavor, sourness, and sweetness were evident with increasing kiwi concentrate. Concerning overall acceptability and sensory evaluation, 20% softness samples were most preferred. The findings may lead to enhanced medical/nutritional activity and functionality of kiwi fruit-supplemented gruel. The more the kiwi concentrate was added to the gruel, solid content and pH of the kiwi fruit-grue decreased. The sweetness and viscosity of kiwi fruit-gruel increased. For chromaticity to L(lightness) and a(redness) of the gruel decreased and showed significant difference between sample groups. For texture, there were significant changes shown for hardness and cohesiveness the amount of kiwi concentrate added was different, increased There was a significant change between samples for gumminess. As for springiness, there was a significant change between samples. There were significant difference between each sample for color, flavor, sourness, sweetness. For softness, overall-acceptability and sensory evalution 20% group was most preferred based on this study, from the physico-chemical and sensual perspective, 20% group is highly recommended for adding kiwi concentrate into gruel. In conclusion, this study is meaningful as it enhanced the functionality and quality of a gruel by combining kiwi fruit with various medical action and excellent functionality, with Kiwi Fruit and presented a basic material for creating a kiwi concentrate combined gruels.



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