Development of a Tool for Predicting Nursing Times in Occupational Accident Patients

산재환자 간병시간 예측 도구개발

  • Received : 2009.10.29
  • Accepted : 2010.04.17
  • Published : 2010.05.31


Purpose: This study aims to develop a tool to predict occupational health patients' nursing needs or nursing time. Method: A tool was composed based on the materials and opinion of experts, and to verify the reliability and validity of the tool, nursing time of total 311 inpatients in 2 occupational health hospitals were surveyed. Results: The developed tool was total 151 items and composed of physical function, cognitive function, communication, emotional and disturbance behavior, nursing skill, and rehabilitation need. The reliability of the tool was high, showing Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.95. But several items should be deleted for low corrected item-total correlation. According to the multiple regression analysis, physical function and rehabilitation need were shown to be the most powerful predictive variables for nursing time. Conclusion: The developed tool was appeared to have high reliability and validity. But further refinement of the tool is needed.



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