Concept Mapping을 이용한 커피전문점 고객의 경험 인식 분석

Concept Mapping Analysis of Customers' Cafe Experience

  • 투고 : 2010.02.24
  • 심사 : 2010.03.22
  • 발행 : 2010.03.30


Concept mapping was used to understand the structure of customer's cafe experience. In January and February, 2009, interviews were conducted with 26 subjects residing in the Seoul-Gyeonggi area. One hundred-two statements describing cafe experience were extracted from the interview transcripts, and were sorted and rated for their importance. Concept mapping software was used to generate a concept map denoting seven dimensions of cafe experience('comfort', 'place of my own', 'pleasant atmosphere', 'personal coffee preference', 'service', 'uniqueness', and 'value'). The results provided meaningful dimensions of cafe customers' experience, which ought to be considered when planning a cafe.



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