한의학과 문학의 교섭 양상 연구 -약명시(藥名詩)를 중심으로-

A Study on Reciprocal Relationship between TKM and Literature : Centering on Medicinal Name Verses(YakMyeongSi)

  • 이정현 (한의학연구원 문헌연구센터)
  • Lee, Jeong-Hyeon (Center for Medical History and Literature, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.29
  • 심사 : 2010.12.01
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


In this study, YakMyeongSi were considered to define relations of Tradional Korean Medicine(TKM) and literature. In the introduction, present related studies were searched to clarify YakMyeongSi are completely different from medical property songs(YakSeongGa). Related data about YakMyeongSi and YakSeongGa were extracted for the initial findings. In chapter 2, medical name verse was defined as 'a type of free verses with one or more medical names in each verse to be interpreted ordinarily' based on records and examples of YakMyeongSi. In China, it originated from "Book of Odes" and "Songs of Chu", and it was most popular in the Song-China. Medical names actually referred to medical names in the early forms of the Warring States Period, but the complete form of YakMyeongSi started to appear in the Tang-China. In chapter 3, 34 YakMyeongSi and 5 related data were suggested in tables as the present conditions of Korean YakMyeongSi. With actual examples, better comprehension of YakMyeongSi were intended. Also, the fact that Korean YakMyeongSi were completed in forms at the end of Goryeo and beginning of Joseon dynasty. The motivations of writing YakMyeongSi were also studied. Medical names were put into verses because they well expressed landscapes and emotions. Propagation of medical knowledge was the basis of YakMyeongSi. There are limits in defining the relations of TKM and literature with some YakMyeongSi. More studies must be carried out on YakMyeongSi in various records with details and interests. Also, study to define general relations of TKM and literature must be carried out together by examining TKM in literary forms such as medical introductions or medical property songs and literature pieces that expressed principles and materials of TKM.



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