아유르베다와 티베트 의학의 기본이론과 한의학과의 비교 고찰

A Comparative Study on Traditional Korean Medicine and Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine

  • 한창현 (한국한의학연구원 전통의학정보연구본부 문헌연구센터) ;
  • 박지하 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 이상남 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 기공학교실) ;
  • 송익수 (맑은머리홍익한의원) ;
  • 이봉효 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구경혈학교실)
  • Han, Chang-Hyun (TKM Information Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Park, Ji-Ha (Dept. of Herbology, Moxibustion, & Acupoint College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Nam (Dept. of Qigong, Moxibustion, & Acupoint College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany Univ.) ;
  • Song, Ick-Soo (Clean Head Hong-Ik Oriental Medical Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Bong-Hyo (Dept. of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, & Acupoint College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.26
  • 심사 : 2010.12.02
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Background : There has been increased global interest in traditional medicine. Ayurveda and Korean medicines are most world-widely spread as Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM). Objectives : This review gives an overview of basic principles and commonalities of Ayurveda, Tibetan and Korean medicine. Method : I have summarized the results of the research into the following categories: basic theoies, history, physiology and pathogenesis. Result : 1. Ayurveda is the medical science that grasps individual constitution through Tridosha, a combination of five primary elements(space, wind, fire, water, and earth), and systematically explains physiological and pathological phenomena which reveal according to the constitution. 2. The theoretical basis forming the Tibetan Medicine is the substance of phlegm, bile, and wind each of which is divided into five kinds. These physiological substances can be transformed into pathological factors when certain environment is formed. 3. Ayurveda, Tibetan and Korean medicine, three main axes of the traditional medicine arouse western medical researchers' interest by their peculiar views of the disease and the system of their medical theories. And they are expected to render services to human health. Conclusions : We can expect the potential of the approaching between Ayurveda, Tibetan and Korean medicine.



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