6~7세기 백제 사찰 내 강당 좌우 건물지의 변천과정 고찰

Survey on Transition Process of Construction Sites in Left and Right of Lecture Hall in the Temple of Baekje During the 6~7th Century

  • Jung, Ja-Young (The Buyeo National Research Institute of Cultrual Heritage)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.15
  • 심사 : 2010.11.26
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Jeongrimsaji as temple remains of Baekje Sabi period, its re-excavation has been carried three times in full scale. As a result, the buildings in left and right of lecture hall was largely identified in 3 forms. First, layout of small buildings in left and right of lecture hall. Second, layput of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Third, layout of construction site in the north of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Above second is included into remains of Gorye, the third is included into remains of Baekje - the remains were almost ruined then. The first form and third form in above is different each other in size of buildings, form of layout, and location. It is important to investigate these points: the time of constructing the buildings; what position have the use and function of the buildings in the temple? ; transition process of layout of the Buddhist temple. In this context, of temple remains in Baekje during the 5~7th century, the cases where construction sites in left and right of lecture hall and construction site in the north of corridor are identified, have been reviewed. Based on this review, the use and function of buildings, their transition process were investigated. The survey results show that small buildings in left and right of lecture hall existed in the middle and later period of the 6th century. During the later 6th century ~ the 7th century, construction site in narrow and long square shape was located in left and right of lecture hall instead of small buildings in the north of corridor. Therefore, it is identified that the aforementioned thing is earlier stage and the latter thing is later stage.



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