광주목 희경루의 복원 연구

A Study on the Restoration of Hee Kyeong Ru in Gwangju

  • 천득염 (전남대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 김민주 (전남대학교 대학원 문화재학)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.06
  • 심사 : 2010.11.05
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


This Hee Kyeong Ru, a kind of "Nu-Gak" in Gwangju is a high storied old government official building memorizes the recovery of Gwangju area reputation. Hee Kyeong Ru, literally means, delightful and happy occasions. This kind of the buildings were build for the receptions and the banquets for the high government officials in travelling areas to areas. It provided very high formality as compared to the buildings in the mountains. Nu-Gak buildings have a lot in common, since they had been constructed under the influence of the then time period and for the common reasons. Several records about Hee Kyeong Ru can be found in the old literatures, poetries, pictures and atlases. Also, we can see the shape of the building and the location through the mark in the old map. According to the historic materials, Nu-Gak buildingsof other old goveenment offices with Hee Kyeong Ru are similar to that of the size and construction. So we can draw the common points of the existing old official buildings and could assume the original form of Hee Kyeong Ru. In conclusion, we need to restore Hee Kyeng Ru as the historical meaningful building and use it as a representative cultural building in Gwangju.



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