일본 국분사 목탑의 하부구조 고찰

A Study on the Foundations of Wooden Pagodas of 'Kokubunji' in Japan

  • 투고 : 2010.08.15
  • 심사 : 2010.10.14
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


In the middle of the 8th century, we met the new high-rise building, the 7th storied wooden pagodas in 'Kokubunji' in Japan. I tried to analyze and study this building to show how the wooden pagoda had changed itself because of appearance of new style. The conculusions are as follows; 1. The construction of the foundation was mainly composed namely 'Panchuk'. It was proceeded by two ways. One is the earthen-digging, laying foundations named 'Gulkwangpachuk' and the other is simply laying foundation named 'Jisangpanchuk'. In that period, due to the progress of the technique, we assumed that the main stream is 'Jisangpanchuk'. 2. The elevation of base was mostly the single foundation from archaeological study. The material was stone. The middle case of pagoda had the base of tile-roofed. We knew the just one pagoda had the base of brick, but that was not main stream. 3. The new device had appeared in the central base stone. It was the stone point. But in that period the existing method, a hole style and the new style was used in the central base stone. This fact is showed that the central government was not hold the reigon(it names 'Kook') in the respect of the technique. 4. The plan scale is classified of 3 group. As a result, the first body is larger, the main-unit and the sub-unit is a equal unit. But smaller, the length of main-unit is longer than the one of sub-unit. And the very small pagoda was build in that period.



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