Effect of Youngkaechulgam-tang and Bojoongikki-tang on Gastric Contractility, Body Weight, and Gastric Morphology in Rats with Non-obstructive Antral Dilation

비폐색성 위 전정부 확장이 있는 흰쥐의 위 수축력, 체중 및 위 형태 복원에 대한 영계출감탕과 보중익기탕(補中益氣湯)의 효능

  • Jung, Yong-Jae (3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Yoon, Sang-Hyub (3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 정용재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실) ;
  • 윤상협 (경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실)
  • Published : 2010.12.30


Objectives : The aim of this study was to evaluate whether rats with non-obstructive antral dilation could be a useful tool resembling functional dyspeptic patients. We also investigated the effect of Bojoongikki-tang (BJ), and Youngkaechulgam-tang (YK) in antral dilated rats. Methods : Non-obstructive antral dilation was performed by first wrapping a non-absorbable rubber ring (D:6mm, W:4mm, T:1mm) around the 1st portion of the duodenum causing pyloric obstruction (PO). After 12 weeks, except for some PO group rats used for the control, the rubber ring was removed by performing another operation. The antral dilated rats (AD) were then divided into three groups, a non-treatment group (AD-NT), and two herbal medicine groups each given an extract solution containing 125 mg/kg of Youngkaechulgam-tang (AD-YK) or Bojoongikki-tang (AD-BJ) for 4 weeks. Then gastric contractility was evaluated by bowel sound measurement, and afterwards the changes of the weight, and morphologic changes of the stomach were evaluated for each group including the normal intact group (NI). Results : Loss of weight and enlargement of the stomach surface area was seen in the PO group. Decrease of gastric motility index was observed in the AD-NT group, while the increased surface area of the stomach was not significantly different from the PO group. Youngkaechulgam-tang seemed to increase gastric contraction, whereas Bojoongikki-tang showed no effect. Weight gain of rats was observed in both the AD-YK and AD-BJ groups, but there seemed to be no change of the dilated stomach surface area. Conclusions : The non-obstructive antral dilated rat seems to be an experimental pathologic model that reflects the gastric dysmotility similar to functional dyspeptic patients with antral dilation. Therefore patients with dysmotility-like dyspepsia with antral function disorders should be treated efficiently. As Youngkaechulgam-tang is shown to increase both gastric contraction and weight in antral dilated rats, it may be used for treating functional dyspepsia. However, Bojoongikki-tang should be used with caution in patients with gastric dysmotility.



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