음악중재 청소년 금연교실 파일럿 연구: 포커스 그룹 인터뷰

Using Focus Group Interview to Explore the Effectiveness of Adolescent Smoking Cessation Program with Music Therapy

  • 투고 : 2010.11.22
  • 심사 : 2010.12.11
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


Objectives: This pilot study was designed to examine whether the adolescent smoking cessation program with harmonica therapy was effective or not. It was qualitatively explored perceived smoking consequences, cessation and relapse experience, specific harmonica help to overcome smoking urge, preference of harmonica toward cessation, and harmonica intervention planning to quit. Methods: The treatment program was conducted 30-minute, 6-session, and once a week basis. Qualitative data using Focus Group Interview were collected at the completion of the program with 6 participants, and analyzed by Krueger's systematic process. Results: Participants were smoking daily and consumed 3-10 cigarettes. They recognized undesirable smoking consequences in terms of cost, interpersonal relationship, and health that might lead to cessation attempts in the past. Participants who did not want to quit smoking at the program beginning changed their attitude to quit after exploring partial cessation efforts with the help of harmonica therapy. They believe harmonica's consistent help of quitting and leading to success. Conclusion: Adolescent attitudinal change toward smoking cessation has promising insight of motivation enhancement through harmonica therapy that was a major barrier to successful quit.



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