Review on The Proposed Offshore Wind Farm Projects Using National Wind Atlas and National Geographic Information

국가바람지도 및 국가지리정보에 의한 국내 해상풍력단지 개발계획의 비교분석

  • Received : 2010.07.12
  • Accepted : 2010.09.13
  • Published : 2010.10.30


The proposed offshore wind farm projects, i.e., Mooudo offshore, Yeonggwang-Gochang offshore, Saemangeum offshore, Imjado offshore and Gadeokdo-Dadeapo offshore, were compared and analyzed using the Korea National Wind Mapand Wind Farm Suitability Assessment System developed by the Korea Institute of Energy Research. The suitability of the proposed areas was comprehensively assessed using geographic, economic constraints, wave condition and wind resource factors, but the focus of this paper was on the geographic constraints and wave conditions. Imjado had several geographical constraints, despite having a good wind power density, while Saemangeum had a relatively low wave height, shallow water depth, close substation and slow tidal current. It is anticipating that the present comparison and analysis could be used as reference guidelines when selecting and preparing the design of large-scale offshore wind farm in the near future.



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