Characteristics of Learning Contents and Activities According to the Invention Education Managerial System for the Gifted at Elementary School Level

발명영재교육 운영체제별 초등 발명영재 수업내용 및 수업활동 분석

  • Received : 2009.10.02
  • Accepted : 2010.02.17
  • Published : 2010.02.28


The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary school students' class contents and activities between the invention class for the gifted under the local education office by the 'Gifted Education Promotion Act' and that under the invention classroom by the 'Invention Promotion Act'. For this study, the survey was conducted to 1,788 elementary school students who attended the invention class for the gifted both under the local education office and under the invention classroom. The analysis of the survey showed that the students of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office had higher motivation and participation rate in class, higher interest in invention, and stronger significantly in a future oriented will than those under the invention classroom. The parents of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office showed more enthusiastic attitude to support their students, and had significantly stronger recognition that the participation of the students in the invention education for the gifted helped enter an advanced school than those under the invention classroom. However, the class contents of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office such as 'understanding the influence of the invention history and products on society', 'scientific inquiry skills for problem solving', 'technological and engineering abilities for creating an invention', 'developing knowledge and abilities about business and management by using a new invention' were not different from those under the invention classroom. In addition, discussion and presentation were not active in the class activities of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office. Therefore, the researchers should compensate and develop a program which can apply strategically differentiated class contents and class activities to the students who participate in the invention class for the gifted under the local education office by the 'Gifted Education Promotion Act'.
