1970년 이후의 건축표현변용방식에 관한 연구

A Study on the Transformal Usage of Architecture Expression Since 1970s

  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


This study will establish the transformal characteristics of architectural visual information by investigating: how contemporary architects perceive and process multifaceted architectural information via the expression media since 1970s. The purposes and results of this study are summarized as follows: This study established the contemporary transformal characteristics by comparing the expression methods of traditional architects with the transformal characteristics of visual information derived from the contemporary architectural expression media. In a pluralistic information society, the expression methods of the past, which recognize space as a stationary, unidimensional visual point on a drawing surface, is now changing to the mixed, multidimensional expression methods that connect various visual points on a limited drawing surface. Furthermore, the rapid advancement of digital media is changing, from a method which simply arranges visual information, to a flexible visual tool which can process architecture sequentially and simultaneously. As the communication structure of architecture is moving toward an individual-centered two-way communication type, the information delivery method is used to visualize conceptual, inferential information, rather than visualizing realistic information which simply records facts. In the past, multidimensional, non-linear forms could not be processed by the conventional design processes and sketch work, but now they can be expressed via digital media.



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