백신 전달기술 개발 동향과 과제

Development of Vaccine Delivery System and Challenges

  • 투고 : 2010.10.08
  • 심사 : 2010.12.20
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Vaccine is a protective clinical measure capable of persuading immune system against infectious agents. Vaccine can be categorized as live attenuated and inactivated. Live attenuated vaccines activate immunity similar to natural infection by replicating living organisms whereas inactivated vaccines are either whole cell vaccines, eliciting immune response by killed organisms,or subunit vaccines, stimulating immunity by non-replicating sub cellular parts. The components of vaccine play a critical role in deciding the immune response mediated by the vaccine. The innate immune responds against the antigen component. Adjuvants represent an importantcomponent of vaccine for enhancing the immunogenicity of the antigens. Subunit vaccines with isolated fractions of killed and recombinant antigens are mostly co-administered with adjuvants. The delivery system of the vaccine is another essential component to ensurethat vaccine is delivered to the right target with right dosage form. Furthermore, vaccine delivery system ensures that the desired immune response is achieved by manipulating the optimal interaction of vaccine and adjuvantwith the immune cell. The aforementioned components along with routes of administration of vaccine are the key elements of a successful vaccination procedure. Vaccines can be administered either orally or by parenteral routes. Many groups had made remarkable efforts for the development of new vaccine and delivery system. The emergence of new vaccine delivery system may lead to pursue the immunization goals with better clinical practices.



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