The Ideal Image of Man of Ancient Chinese in Shi Jing (詩經)

  • Kim, Jin-Goo (Dept. of Textiles and Clothing, Hanyang University)
  • Received : 2010.03.21
  • Accepted : 2010.04.30
  • Published : 2010.05.31


It is a universal phenomenon for people to establish ideal images of man according to a specific time, society and race. Thus, people have invested endless endeavor to reach the standard of ideal image. Especially, they made efforts to embody the ideal image of man as a perfect human image using appearance feature like a human body and clothing. Shi jing(詩經) is considered as a very valuable source book which reveals the life style, customs, thinking, ideas, and emotion of people of that period. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ideal image of man and woman which ancient Chinese pursued, focusing Shi jing(詩經). The results are as following. The ideal image of man is nice, handsome, dignified, generous and gentle. Besides, he should have adequate sense of humor, tall height. clear eye, broad forehead, moderate and upright behavior, outstanding horsemanship and marksmanship and braveness. Meanwhile, the ideal image of woman was described as gentle, decent, and graceful. Also, she should have tall height, light complexion, pretty hand, long neck, broad forehead, clear eyes, and charming black hair. The ideal beauty of woman included nobility and elegant personality in addition to the good physical appearance.
